The management of the supply chain ... general solutions to general problems ? ..

27.12.2013 18:35

How about ? . Today I will share with you something about me 18 years ago framework to date.
A person with more than 70 years old, I question one day and for many more of the following:
" You think that an automatic process or formula is well defined enough to meet the needs that the customers of a company ? "
In my few years of experience , I was convinced that if it was feasible , that's why were algorithms , statistical analysis and simulation models, etc. . and that while there may be a margin of error in the calculations, these would not be significant to question the functioning of the quantitative model.
Nothing could be further from reality, each who exchanged information with that venerable man , made ​​me realize that the simulation models are just that , models, and it is necessary to know the characteristics and living environment where clients are carried out, products , employees , sales outlets , suppliers, the market in general to get a better idea of ​​how a model should be qualified to achieve your best performance.
Imagine a business with approx. 12,000 items and 800 sales outlets input combination sounds interesting no ? .. 9,600,000 possible combinations of demand, stock depletion , etc ...
And when I talked with him, ask and find that a combination (one of them ) taking random was not the correct model showed that it was a matter of an hour learning. It was amazing to know because if the model suggested us a stock of 4 units with numbers justify my teacher because I had to be 6.8 or 2, but no 4.
And finally giving me great advice, " a general solution is applied to general problems , a particular problem requires specific solutions. "
After so many years of teaching his simple theory has applications in as modern as lean , jit , ecr , toc , etc. strategies.
But the base remains the same " If you know the parameters that affect the availability of your products , you can optimize your supply chain .. "
Maestro ! Thank you .. Wherever you find ! ..